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Bulldozer2393 (Bulldozer#2393)

Sex: Male
Country: United Kingdom

WoW Characters

Shuffledozer EchoesEU-Laughing SkullLF M+ Team to do 21+ keys on main (BREWMASTER)

LF Guild to progress with on one of my alts

I have other chars ready and geared, the raid post is NOT for this main char, all chars are/will be geared and ready for Mythic or can be in no time if needed

Wednesday 20:00 - 23:30
Thursday 20:00 - 23:30
Sunday 20:00 - 23:30
Monday 20:00 - 23:30

Sunday 20:00 - 23:30
Monday 20:00 - 23:30

If you raid at any of these times, keep in mind I potentially wont be intersted this is my mains raid / times I am not willing to change (unless we are on farm which could be 1/2 days)

I am happy to raid ANY other time.

Bnet: Bulldozer#2393
Discord: Bulldozer#2393

Ignorebull EchoesEU-Laughing Skull(10/10M on main)

LF Guild or Alt run or something for Mythic ideally 3+ but contact me with anything I could be interested!, pref on Tuesdays (although I could potentially do Thursday/Friday/Sunday also)

A late night setting could also be perfect!(23:59 > 6:00) <- something like these times is where I am free due to reclears

I still have my main and other alt commitments that I will not budge from.

My guild will be on 1 day farm clears soon, the day will be discussed at a later time, meaning Saturday/Monday are my occupied days, and 1 more day for my main raid.
Dkdozer EchoesEU-Laughing Skull
Pallydozer EchoesEU-Laughing Skull
Shootdozer EchoesEU-Laughing Skull
Bullydozer EchoesEU-Laughing Skull
Shámbulancé FangEU-Kazzak(10/10M on main)

LF Guild or Alt run or something for ideally 3+ Mythic, even a secure heroic clear but contact me with anything I could be interested!, pref on Tuesdays (although I could potentially do Thursday/Friday/Sunday also)

A late night setting could also be perfect!(23:59 > 6:00) <- something like these times is where I am free due to reclears

I still have my main and other alt commitments that I will not budge from.

My guild will be on 1 day farm clears soon, the day will be discussed at a later time, meaning Saturday/Monday are my occupied days, and 1 more day for my main raid.

ßûllEU-KazzakExplains everything here
BulldhozerEU-Kazzak(10/10M on main)

LF Guild or Alt run or something for Mythic ideally 3+ but contact me with anything I could be interested!, pref on Tuesdays (although I could potentially do Thursday/Friday/Sunday also)

A late night setting could also be perfect!(23:59 > 6:00)

I still have my main and other alt commitments that I will not budge from.

My guild will be on 1 day farm clears soon, the day will be discussed at a later time, meaning Saturday/Monday are my occupied days, and 1 more day for my main raid.
Rezodllub FangEU-Kazzak
LichkingbffxEU-Kazzak(10/10M on main)

LF Guild or Alt run or something for ideally 3+ Mythic, even a secure heroic clear but contact me with anything I could be interested!, pref on Tuesdays (although I could potentially do Thursday/Friday/Sunday also)

A late night setting could also be perfect!(23:59 > 6:00) <- something like these times is where I am free due to reclears

I still have my main and other alt commitments that I will not budge from.

My guild will be on 1 day farm clears soon, the day will be discussed at a later time, meaning Saturday/Monday are my occupied days, and 1 more day for my main raid.

IgnorebullEU-KazzakExplains everything here
ShuffledozerEU-KazzakDue to Fang's raid team dissolving I am now LF a guild.

Personally I am looking for a guild World rank 1-400 with some good atmosphere and banter in and out of raids.
Would prefer to remain on Kazzak however I am not out of the option to transfer.

I am not going to list my full tiers performance and feed you a load of bullcrap here on a wowprogress page to save clutter, if you want to know more about me and you want a reliable player thats willing to no life the shit out the game add me and we can talk more.

Please feel free to check Fangs guild history after SoO where I was the tank there until now.
I was at some point also these roles with in Fang (Officer/RL/GM)

For further info or offers you should contact me via discord or bnet
bnet/disc > Bulldozer#2393
Wifedozer FangEU-KazzakLF a 1 day pug or a 2 day guild that doesnt clash with my main guild
Shuffledozer-Kazzak (Fang)
ShuffledozerEU-Ravencrest(10/10M on main)

LF Guild or Alt run or something for Mythic ideally 3+ but contact me with anything I could be interested!, pref on Tuesdays (although I could potentially do Thursday/Friday/Sunday also)

A late night setting could also be perfect!(23:59 > 6:00) <- something like these times is where I am free due to reclears

I still have my main and other alt commitments that I will not budge from.

My guild will be on 1 day farm clears soon, the day will be discussed at a later time, meaning Saturday/Monday are my occupied days, and 1 more day for my main raid.
Buldhozer FangEU-Kazzak
ShuffldozerEU-Kazzak(10/10M on main)

LF Guild or Alt run or something for ideally 3+ Mythic, even a secure heroic clear but contact me with anything I could be interested!, pref on Tuesdays (although I could potentially do Thursday/Friday/Sunday also)

A late night setting could also be perfect!(23:59 > 6:00) <- something like these times is where I am free due to reclears

I still have my main and other alt commitments that I will not budge from.

My guild will be on 1 day farm clears soon, the day will be discussed at a later time, meaning Saturday/Monday are my occupied days, and 1 more day for my main raid.

ShootdozerEU-Kazzak(10/10M on main)

LF Guild or Alt run or something for ideally 3+ Mythic, even a secure heroic clear but contact me with anything I could be interested!, pref on Tuesdays (although I could potentially do Thursday/Friday/Sunday also)

A late night setting could also be perfect!(23:59 > 6:00) <- something like these times is where I am free due to reclears

I still have my main and other alt commitments that I will not budge from.

My guild will be on 1 day farm clears soon, the day will be discussed at a later time, meaning Saturday/Monday are my occupied days, and 1 more day for my main raid.

Toycar FangEU-Kazzak
Shuffldozer EchoesEU-Laughing Skull
Bullshót FangEU-KazzakExplains everything here
Dinodozer FangEU-KazzakLF a 1 day pug or a 2 day guild that doesnt clash with my main guild
Shuffledozer-Kazzak (Fang)
Stabdozer Plumbus Production CrewEU-Tarren Mill
Dkdozer FangEU-Kazzak
Bulldözer FangEU-Kazzak
AnotherdklolEU-Tarren Mill
HoedozerEU-Tarren Mill
Unbearablé FangEU-Kazzak
Xffbgnikhcil gnaFEU-Kazzak
Bullemo gnaFEU-Kazzak
Snipedozer FangEU-Kazzak
Bullbouncy gnaFEU-Kazzak
Imagoatmoo gnaFEU-Kazzak
ShufflebankEU-Laughing Skull
ShuffledozerEU (FR)-Hyjal
ShuffledozerEU (FR)-Drek'Thar
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