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Fargy97 (Fargy97#2933)

Real Name: Liam
Sex: Male
Country: United Kingdom

WoW Characters

Nosudk MonkeeEU-Draenor
Nosulock The Reusable GuildEU-DraenorPlayed (basically) only Warlock since starting the game Shadowlands, Started raiding in 9.1.5.

Mostly Demo and Destro in 9.2, can play Aff to a decent level too.

Aiming mostly for solid mythic progression now, Have improved to the level of the players around me quickly.

Have a reasonably geared DH that I play from time to time.

Discord: Fargy97#0494

Nosumage WoW and StuffEU-Draenor
Nosudragon Rats R UsEU-Draenor
Nosudh The Reusable GuildEU-Draenor
Nosuhunt The Reuwuable GuildEU-Draenor
Nosushaman WoW and StuffEU-Draenor
Nosurogue The Reuwuable GuildEU-Draenor
Nosugrefkin The Reusable GuildEU-Draenor
Nosumonk Rats R UsEU-Draenor
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