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Okappa (mendax#2388)

WoW Characters

Sparkleberry OMEGALULEU-Stormscale
AgamagganaEU-Argent Dawn
Knorr Order Of AssassinsEU-Outland
CloudberryEU-StormscaleLooking mainly for guild on Stormscale, unless you're ready to care of expenses for my transfer to your server, then server that you play on does not matter to me.
Times and days. Days will not matter at all if you're late night raiding guild or morning time raiding guild, but if your team does raid at same time as most of the WoW community does (which is around 8pm-11pm server time) I sadly can't do Tu-We-Th, since at those days I'm free no earlier than 9pm-9:30pm. Because of that I'd prefer to find guild that will raid or at night or at morning.

What do I have to offer to your team?
Most likely you're looking for monk in first place just because you wish to get one for our passive and let use do SOMETHING if at all. However, with me being able to perform every spec that my class has to offer I can be great in situations where one of your tanks left his cat in microwave and cannot attend raid, since I will be able to replace him for the time. Unless you will be looking at me as tank, in that case I can promise to not leave my cat in the microwave.
Other than that, I have pretty high online, which makes me able to help people from the guild with dungeon runs or any forms of procrastination like pet battles or glory runs.
KromedeEU-KazzakLF guild for mythic progress for SL, your server does not matter (I have characters on max lvl on multiple servers and I'm willing to lvl another one on server where I might not have one if your guild will interest me). Able to play any role: tank/heal/dps. From classes prefer to play any monk spec, but can go for something that your raid group wants the most and doesn't have.
Guild looking not only for myself, but have second person with me that mains tank, but can play dps too. Other person can raid only from 20:00 CEST and not any earlier than that. I personally can put raid at any time of a day and fine if you're latenight raiding guild or early morning one.
This character playing MM specialization.
Feel free to add me for any further questions.
Okappa IridescenceEU-Argent Dawn
DaynteeEU-DraenorLF guild for mythic progress for SL, your server does not matter (I have characters on max lvl on multiple servers and I'm willing to lvl another one on server where I might not have one if your guild will interest me). Able to play any role: tank/heal/dps. From classes prefer to play any monk spec, but can go for something that your raid group wants the most and doesn't have.
Guild looking not only for myself, but have second person with me that mains tank, but can play dps too. Other person can raid only from 20:00 CEST and not any earlier than that. I personally can put raid at any time of a day and fine if you're latenight raiding guild or early morning one.
This character playing frost/bdk specs.
Feel free to add me for any further questions.
ChocopieEU-Tarren Mill
SuccinctEU-Tarren Mill
MaliwanEU-Argent DawnLF guild for mythic progress for SL, your server does not matter (I have characters on max lvl on multiple servers and I'm willing to lvl another one on server where I might not have one if your guild will interest me). Able to play any role: tank/heal/dps. From classes prefer to play any monk spec, but can go for something that your raid group wants the most and doesn't have.
Guild looking not only for myself, but have second person with me that mains tank, but can play dps too. Other person can raid only from 20:00 CEST and not any earlier than that. I personally can put raid at any time of a day and fine if you're latenight raiding guild or early morning one.
This character playing disc specialization.
Feel free to add me for any further questions.
SuccinctEU-Argent Dawn
SambucusEU-Tarren Mill
SethrakEU-Tarren Mill
OkappaEU-Tarren Mill
DewberryEU-Twisting Nether
EyreEU-Tarren Mill
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