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EU-Arygos Iron Hearts evoker 70
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Pet Score: 35561.02
West: n/a (evoker: 1486)
EU: 28252(evoker: 695)
DE: 7716(evoker: 157)
realm: 185(evoker: 5)

Battle Pets Army

25Blightbreathhealth: 1522power: 284speed: 26062.10
25Dreadmawhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Iridescent Oozehealth: 1627power: 260speed: 27362.10
25Sister of Temptationhealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Worg Puphealth: 1725power: 260speed: 26062.10
25Grizzly Squirrelhealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Squirrelhealth: 1465power: 257speed: 30562.10
25Chickenhealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Arctic Harehealth: 1546power: 227speed: 32262.10
25Rabbithealth: 1546power: 257speed: 29262.10
25Snowshoe Rabbithealth: 1400power: 227speed: 35762.10
25Toadhealth: 1627power: 273speed: 26062.10
25Borean Marmothealth: 1481power: 260speed: 29262.10
25Brown Prairie Doghealth: 1546power: 257speed: 28962.10
25Prairie Doghealth: 1400power: 244speed: 34162.10
25Sneaky Marmothealth: 1319power: 260speed: 34162.10
25Black Rathealth: 1546power: 244speed: 30562.10
25Stormwind Rathealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Wharf Rathealth: 1481power: 260speed: 29262.10
25Carrion Rathealth: 1481power: 260speed: 29262.10
25Harehealth: 1465power: 240speed: 32262.10
25Biletoadhealth: 1644power: 260speed: 26062.10
25Coastal Bounderhealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Mac Froghealth: 1627power: 257speed: 27362.10
25Adderhealth: 1400power: 276speed: 29262.10
25Moccasinhealth: 1319power: 305speed: 28962.10
25Frostfur Rathealth: 1339power: 285speed: 30562.10
25Cockroachhealth: 1546power: 240speed: 30562.10
25Death's Head Cockroachhealth: 1562power: 240speed: 30562.10
25Fire-Proof Roachhealth: 1481power: 227speed: 34162.10
25Irradiated Roachhealth: 1709power: 211speed: 30562.10
25Nether Roachhealth: 1627power: 257speed: 27662.10
25Roachhealth: 1481power: 227speed: 34162.10
25Tainted Cockroachhealth: 1627power: 257speed: 27662.10
25Dusk Spiderlinghealth: 1237power: 305speed: 30562.10
25King Snakehealth: 1465power: 260speed: 30562.10
25Albino Snakehealth: 1384power: 257speed: 32262.10
25Brown Snakehealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Brown Rabbithealth: 1465power: 240speed: 32262.10
25Elfin Rabbithealth: 1465power: 224speed: 33862.10
25Mountain Cottontailhealth: 1481power: 244speed: 30962.10
25Olivetail Harehealth: 1546power: 240speed: 30562.10
25Bathealth: 1384power: 273speed: 30562.10
25Highlands Mousehealth: 1481power: 260speed: 29262.10
25Grotto Volehealth: 1400power: 244speed: 34162.10
25Gust of Cyclarushealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Green Wing Macawhealth: 1627power: 273speed: 25762.10
25Ancona Chickenhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Garden Froghealth: 1562power: 260speed: 27662.10
25Huge Toadhealth: 1644power: 260speed: 26062.10
25Bombay Cathealth: 1237power: 305speed: 30562.10
25Cornish Rex Cathealth: 1237power: 341speed: 27662.10
25Sand Kittenhealth: 1237power: 322speed: 28962.10
25Dark Whelplinghealth: 1481power: 322speed: 24062.10
25Bronze Whelplinghealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25River Froghealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Small Froghealth: 1546power: 257speed: 28962.10
25Tree Froghealth: 1627power: 257speed: 27362.10
25Spotted Bell Froghealth: 1627power: 257speed: 27362.10
25Froghealth: 1562power: 260speed: 27662.10
25Yellow-Bellied Bullfroghealth: 1709power: 257speed: 25762.10
25Snowy Owlhealth: 1384power: 273speed: 30562.10
25Spring Rabbithealth: 1400power: 227speed: 35762.10
25Snakehealth: 1319power: 260speed: 34162.10
25Dung Beetlehealth: 1400power: 292speed: 27662.10
25Robo-Chickhealth: 1481power: 244speed: 32562.10
25Mechanical Squirrelhealth: 1546power: 257speed: 28962.10
25Pet Bomblinghealth: 1627power: 244speed: 28962.10
25Beetlehealth: 1806power: 244speed: 26062.10
25Fire Beetlehealth: 1465power: 276speed: 28962.10
25Parrothealth: 1319power: 260speed: 34162.10
25Festering Maggothealth: 1887power: 260speed: 22762.10
25Maggothealth: 1644power: 276speed: 24462.10
25Mr. Grubbshealth: 1709power: 289speed: 22762.10
25Infected Squirrelhealth: 1546power: 305speed: 24062.10
25Calico Cathealth: 1302power: 305speed: 28962.10
25Tiny Snowmanhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Darkmoon Tonkhealth: 1627power: 273speed: 26062.10
25Terkyhealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Crystal Beetlehealth: 1644power: 276speed: 26062.10
25Gold Beetlehealth: 1400power: 276speed: 30962.10
25Giant Woodwormhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Stinkbughealth: 1725power: 276speed: 24462.10
25Leopard Scorpidhealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Stripe-Tailed Scorpidhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Scorpidhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Father Winter's Helperhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Peddlefeethealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Softshell Snaplinghealth: 1709power: 244speed: 27362.10
25Spirit of Summerhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Mountain Skunkhealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Squawklinghealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Darkmoon Zeppelinhealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Yellow Mothhealth: 1546power: 289speed: 25762.10
25Blue Mothhealth: 1562power: 260speed: 27662.10
25Golden Dragonhawk Hatchlinghealth: 1400power: 276speed: 30962.10
25Blue Dragonhawk Hatchlinghealth: 1806power: 244speed: 26062.10
25Forest Spiderlinghealth: 1237power: 276speed: 34162.10
25Skittering Cavern Crawlerhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Miniwinghealth: 1465power: 227speed: 33862.10
25Baby Apehealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Bananashealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Willyhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Peanuthealth: 1725power: 260speed: 26062.10
25Fjord Rathealth: 1546power: 257speed: 28962.10
25Highlands Skunkhealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Clockwork Rocket Bothealth: 1562power: 260speed: 27662.10
25Blue Clockwork Rocket Bothealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Tiny Sporebathealth: 1709power: 244speed: 27362.10
25Snarlyhealth: 1546power: 305speed: 24462.10
25Curious Oracle Hatchlinghealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Tundra Penguinhealth: 1627power: 289speed: 24462.10
25Rabid Nut Varmint 5000health: 1481power: 244speed: 32562.10
25Ironbound Proto-Whelphealth: 1627power: 273speed: 25762.10
25Darkmoon Turtlehealth: 1709power: 257speed: 25762.10
25Mr. Wiggleshealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Drustvar Piglethealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Crystal Spiderhealth: 1319power: 292speed: 29262.10
25Proto-Drake Whelphealth: 1627power: 289speed: 24462.10
25Tiny Flameflyhealth: 1481power: 260speed: 29262.10
25Lava Crabhealth: 1562power: 292speed: 24462.10
25Warbothealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Macabre Marionettehealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Water Wavelinghealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Core Hound Puphealth: 1627power: 322speed: 21162.10
25Bush Chickenhealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Toxic Wastelinghealth: 1562power: 292speed: 24462.10
25Frigid Frostlinghealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Celestial Dragonhealth: 1644power: 292speed: 24462.10
25Sandyback Crawlerhealth: 1587power: 269speed: 26962.10
25Strand Crabhealth: 1806power: 260speed: 24462.10
25Shore Crabhealth: 1806power: 260speed: 24462.10
25Coastal Scuttlerhealth: 1603power: 264speed: 26462.10
25Shadowback Crawlerhealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Golden Beetlehealth: 1359power: 333speed: 26062.10
25De-Weaponized Mechanical Companionhealth: 1481power: 244speed: 32562.10
25Fossilized Hatchlinghealth: 1481power: 305speed: 25762.10
25Returned Hatchlinghealth: 1603power: 264speed: 26462.10
25Ash Viperhealth: 1319power: 289speed: 30562.10
25Rattlesnakehealth: 1465power: 260speed: 30562.10
25Sidewinderhealth: 1319power: 260speed: 34162.10
25Clockwork Gnomehealth: 1546power: 257speed: 28962.10
25Wildhammer Gryphon Hatchlinghealth: 1465power: 276speed: 28962.10
25Alpine Harehealth: 1400power: 227speed: 35762.10
25Long-tailed Molehealth: 1481power: 260speed: 29262.10
25Alpine Foxlinghealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Rock Viperhealth: 1319power: 260speed: 34162.10
25Emerald Boahealth: 1465power: 260speed: 30562.10
25Tree Pythonhealth: 1400power: 276speed: 29262.10
25Ash Lizardhealth: 1400power: 276speed: 29262.10
25Horned Lizardhealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27662.10
25Spiky Lizardhealth: 1319power: 260speed: 34162.10
25Spiny Lizardhealth: 1319power: 260speed: 34162.10
25Lizard Hatchlinghealth: 1319power: 260speed: 34162.10
25Amethyst Shale Hatchlinghealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Alpine Chipmunkhealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Twilight Beetlehealth: 1237power: 341speed: 27662.10
25Crimson Mothhealth: 1546power: 276speed: 27362.10
25Garden Mothhealth: 1400power: 292speed: 27662.10
25Forest Mothhealth: 1562power: 276speed: 26062.10
25Fungal Mothhealth: 1562power: 244speed: 29262.10
25Silky Mothhealth: 1400power: 260speed: 30962.10
25Oasis Mothhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 29262.10
25Swamp Mothhealth: 1562power: 276speed: 26062.10
25Dark Phoenix Hatchlinghealth: 1627power: 276speed: 25762.10
25Lil' Ragnaroshealth: 1400power: 374speed: 21162.10
25Infected Fawnhealth: 1546power: 289speed: 25762.10
25Winterspring Cubhealth: 1302power: 289speed: 30562.10
25Ash'anahealth: 1400power: 305speed: 27362.10
25Legshealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Scooter the Snailhealth: 1969power: 276speed: 19562.10
25Voodoo Figurinehealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Infernal Pyreclawhealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Silkbead Snailhealth: 1725power: 292speed: 21162.10
25Lil' Tarecgosahealth: 1627power: 273speed: 26062.10
25Creepy Cratehealth: 1725power: 260speed: 26062.10
25Twilight Spiderhealth: 1237power: 341speed: 27662.10
25Darkmoon Cubhealth: 1319power: 292speed: 29262.10
25Soul of the Aspectshealth: 1481power: 301speed: 25262.10
25Masked Tanukihealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Bandicoonhealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Hyjal Wisphealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Dancing Water Skimmerhealth: 1546power: 244speed: 30562.10
25Bucktooth Flapperhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Spiketail Beaverhealth: 1562power: 276speed: 26062.10
25Ashleaf Spritelinghealth: 1319power: 268speed: 33362.10
25Bandicoon Kithealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Tiny Harvesterhealth: 1627power: 244speed: 28962.10
25Fledgling Buzzardhealth: 1627power: 289speed: 24462.10
25Scorplinghealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Lava Beetlehealth: 1465power: 276speed: 28962.10
25Molten Hatchlinghealth: 1302power: 289speed: 30562.10
25Tiny Bog Beasthealth: 1725power: 260speed: 26062.10
25Jade Oozelinghealth: 1481power: 325speed: 24462.10
25Infested Bear Cubhealth: 1709power: 289speed: 22762.10
25Blighthawkhealth: 1546power: 305speed: 24462.10
25Blighted Squirrelhealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Ravager Hatchlinghealth: 1237power: 341speed: 27662.10
25Ash Spiderlinghealth: 1319power: 292speed: 29262.10
25Shimmershell Snailhealth: 1725power: 292speed: 21162.10
25Rusty Snailhealth: 1725power: 292speed: 21162.10
25Twilight Iguanahealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27662.10
25Pollyhealth: 1302power: 289speed: 30562.10
25Qiraji Guardlinghealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Flayer Younglinghealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Sporeling Sprouthealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Clefthoof Runthealth: 1644power: 292speed: 22762.10
25Fjord Worg Puphealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Stunted Shardhornhealth: 1806power: 292speed: 21162.10
25Imperial Eagle Chickhealth: 1384power: 305speed: 27362.10
25Dragonbone Hatchlinghealth: 1562power: 276speed: 26062.10
25Scourged Whelplinghealth: 1481power: 305speed: 25762.10
25Alpine Foxling Kithealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Tol'vir Scarabhealth: 1644power: 276speed: 26062.10
25Oily Slimelinghealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Sticky Oozelinghealth: 1709power: 273speed: 24462.10
25Twilight Fiendlinghealth: 1465power: 305speed: 26062.10
25River Otterhealth: 1668power: 273speed: 24962.10
25Gilnean Ravenhealth: 1481power: 244speed: 30962.10
25Parched Lizardhealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27662.10
25Golden Civet Kittenhealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Leopard Tree Froghealth: 1627power: 257speed: 27362.10
25Grassland Hopperhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Marsh Fiddlerhealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Eternal Striderhealth: 1465power: 257speed: 30562.10
25Spring Striderhealth: 1465power: 257speed: 30562.10
25Terrible Turniphealth: 1481power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Elusive Skimmerhealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Spiderhealth: 1237power: 276speed: 34162.10
25Thistlebrush Budhealth: 1506power: 244speed: 31462.10
25Venushealth: 1400power: 292speed: 27662.10
25Cinderweb Reclusehealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Mechanical Pandaren Dragonlinghealth: 1400power: 276speed: 30962.10
25Nordrassil Wisphealth: 1546power: 227speed: 32262.10
25Aqua Striderhealth: 1319power: 227speed: 37462.10
25Elementium Geodehealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Crimson Geodehealth: 1644power: 292speed: 24462.10
25Strand Crawlerhealth: 1806power: 260speed: 24462.10
25Rapana Whelkhealth: 1725power: 292speed: 21162.10
25Mudshell Conchhealth: 1790power: 305speed: 19562.10
25Devouring Maggothealth: 1709power: 260speed: 25762.10
25Giraffe Calfhealth: 1562power: 244speed: 29262.10
25Deepholm Cockroachhealth: 1627power: 257speed: 27662.10
25Resilient Roachhealth: 1627power: 240speed: 28962.10
25Brown Marmothealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Yellow-Bellied Marmothealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Desert Spiderhealth: 1237power: 305speed: 30562.10
25Diemetradon Hatchlinghealth: 1465power: 305speed: 25762.10
25Restless Shadelinghealth: 1806power: 260speed: 24462.10
25Fel Flamehealth: 1627power: 260speed: 27362.10
25Tiny Twisterhealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Kirin Tor Familiarhealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Pandaren Water Spirithealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Withershealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Scalded Basilisk Hatchlinghealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Darkmoon Rabbithealth: 1400power: 227speed: 35762.10
25Turkeyhealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Highlands Turkeyhealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Fledgling Nether Rayhealth: 1302power: 322speed: 27362.10
25Malayan Quillrathealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Sandy Petrelhealth: 1562power: 227speed: 32562.10
25Warpstalker Hatchlinghealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Effervescent Glowflyhealth: 1465power: 276speed: 28962.10
25Darkmoon Monkeyhealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Minfernalhealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Darkmoon Hatchlinghealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Darkmoon Glowflyhealth: 1546power: 244speed: 30562.10
25Darkmoon Eyehealth: 1481power: 305speed: 25762.10
25Red Crickethealth: 1197power: 370speed: 24962.10
25Clock'emhealth: 1546power: 257speed: 28962.10
25Mr. Bigglesworthhealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Ashstone Corehealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Mini Mindslayerhealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Anubisath Idolhealth: 1725power: 276speed: 24462.10
25Corefire Imphealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Chrominiushealth: 1644power: 276speed: 26062.10
25Harpy Younglinghealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Arcane Eyehealth: 1481power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Anodized Robo Cubhealth: 1887power: 260speed: 22762.10
25Emerald Proto-Whelphealth: 1465power: 305speed: 25762.10
25Cogblade Raptorhealth: 1319power: 260speed: 34162.10
25Living Sandlinghealth: 1627power: 289speed: 24062.10
25Stormstruck Beaverhealth: 1400power: 341speed: 24462.10
25Nexus Whelplinghealth: 1465power: 305speed: 25762.10
25Infinite Whelplinghealth: 1400power: 305speed: 27362.10
25Zandalari Kneebiterhealth: 1237power: 305speed: 30562.10
25Sunreaver Micro-Sentryhealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Vengeful Porcupettehealth: 1587power: 289speed: 25262.10
25Swamp Croakerhealth: 1562power: 260speed: 27662.10
25Gulp Froglethealth: 1627power: 273speed: 26062.10
25Mud Jumperhealth: 1562power: 260speed: 27662.10
25Ji-Kun Hatchlinghealth: 1481power: 260speed: 29262.10
25Zandalari Anklerenderhealth: 1237power: 276speed: 34162.10
25Spawn of G'nathushealth: 1302power: 305speed: 28962.10
25Direhorn Runthealth: 1506power: 289speed: 26562.10
25Unborn Val'kyrhealth: 1806power: 276speed: 22762.10
25Coilfang Stalkerhealth: 1441power: 284speed: 27662.10
25Fiendish Imphealth: 1359power: 260speed: 33362.10
25Tainted Wavelinghealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Lesser Voidcallerhealth: 1587power: 289speed: 25262.10
25Netherspace Abyssalhealth: 1400power: 297speed: 28162.10
25Menagerie Custodianhealth: 1806power: 260speed: 24462.10
25Lil' Blinghealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Ravenous Pridelinghealth: 1262power: 310speed: 29362.10
25Gooey Sha-linghealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Ruby Droplethealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Spineclaw Crabhealth: 1644power: 292speed: 24462.10
25Azure Crane Chickhealth: 1400power: 276speed: 30962.10
25Alterac Brew-Puphealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Albino Chimaeralinghealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Dread Hatchlinghealth: 1420power: 288speed: 29262.10
25Iron Starlettehealth: 1465power: 305speed: 25762.10
25Lifelike Mechanical Frostboarhealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Moonshell Crabhealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Forest Sproutlinghealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Molten Corgihealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Leatherhide Runthealth: 1887power: 276speed: 21162.10
25Icespine Hatchlinghealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Mossbite Skittererhealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Bloodthorn Hatchlinghealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Thicket Skittererhealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Teroclaw Hatchlinghealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Twilight Wasphealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Flat-Tooth Calfhealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Albino River Calfhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Bloodbeakhealth: 1404power: 297speed: 27762.10
25Puddle Terrorhealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Brilliant Bloodfeatherhealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Frostwolf Ghostpuphealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Ikkyhealth: 1319power: 322speed: 27362.10
25Hydralinghealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Waterflyhealth: 1546power: 257speed: 28962.10
25Ore Eaterhealth: 1359power: 252speed: 34162.10
25Royal Mothhealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Parasitic Boarflyhealth: 1481power: 260speed: 29262.10
25Kelp Scuttlerhealth: 1644power: 292speed: 24462.10
25Zangar Crawlerhealth: 1644power: 292speed: 24462.10
25Fen Crabhealth: 1319power: 357speed: 24462.10
25Eye of Observationhealth: 1197power: 366speed: 26062.10
25Shadow Sporebathealth: 1709power: 244speed: 27362.10
25Bone Serpenthealth: 1319power: 338speed: 25762.10
25Brilliant Sporehealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Crimson Sporehealth: 1725power: 260speed: 26062.10
25Abyssiushealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Fel Puphealth: 1319power: 276speed: 32562.10
25Golden Eaglethealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Chaos Puphealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Cinder Puphealth: 1237power: 341speed: 27662.10
25Lost Netherpuphealth: 1359power: 281speed: 30562.10
25Ghostshell Crabhealth: 1668power: 260speed: 26562.10
25Left Sharkhealth: 1441power: 292speed: 26862.10
25Crusherhealth: 1441power: 333speed: 24462.10
25Auburn Ringtailhealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Ashmaw Cubhealth: 1806power: 260speed: 24462.10
25Grumpyhealth: 1627power: 289speed: 24462.10
25Fledgling Warden Owlhealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Extinguished Eyehealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Emmigosahealth: 1400power: 273speed: 30562.10
25Dream Whelplinghealth: 1465power: 305speed: 25762.10
25Juvenile Scuttlebackhealth: 1319power: 322speed: 27362.10
25Spectral Spinnerhealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Shimmering Aquaflyhealth: 1546power: 257speed: 28962.10
25Ghastly Rathealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Ghost Maggothealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Black-Footed Fox Kithealth: 1424power: 265speed: 30562.10
25Rose Taipanhealth: 1319power: 325speed: 27662.10
25Tiny Apparitionhealth: 1562power: 292speed: 24462.10
25Ridgeback Piglethealth: 1627power: 273speed: 25762.10
25Coralback Fiddlerhealth: 1384power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Broothealth: 1522power: 284speed: 26062.10
25Dust Bunnyhealth: 1400power: 227speed: 35762.10
25Fetid Wavelinghealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Risen Saber Kittenhealth: 1319power: 292speed: 29262.10
25Vicious Broodlinghealth: 1302power: 305speed: 28962.10
25Baby Elderhornhealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Corgi Puphealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Corgneliushealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Blue Mini Jousterhealth: 1627power: 257speed: 27362.10
25Zoomhealth: 1969power: 276speed: 062.10
25Bloodgazer Hatchlinghealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Sharptalon Hatchlinghealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Direbeak Hatchlinghealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Snowfeather Hatchlinghealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Alliance Enthusiasthealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Coastal Sandpiperhealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Untethered Wyrmlinghealth: 1441power: 317speed: 26062.10
25Stormborne Whelplinghealth: 1400power: 305speed: 27362.10
25Hungering Clawhealth: 1546power: 292speed: 25762.10
25Nightmare Whelplinghealth: 1546power: 305speed: 24462.10
25Nightmare Lasherhealth: 1465power: 305speed: 26062.10
25Benaxhealth: 1627power: 289speed: 24462.10
25Felspiderhealth: 1319power: 292speed: 29262.10
25Igneous Flamelinghealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Boneshardhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Sun Darter Hatchlinghealth: 1441power: 292speed: 26862.10
25Feline Familiarhealth: 1221power: 322speed: 28962.10
25H4ND-EEhealth: 1562power: 252speed: 28462.10
25Clanking Scrapsorterhealth: 1518power: 266speed: 27962.10
25Rustbolt Cluckerhealth: 1530power: 266speed: 27662.10
25Vale Marmothealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Alloyed Alleyrathealth: 1400power: 286speed: 28962.10
25Scrapyard Tunnelerhealth: 1432power: 279speed: 28962.10
25Sandclaw Pincherhealth: 1465power: 292speed: 27062.10
25Sandclaw Sunshellhealth: 1571power: 294speed: 25062.10
25Scrapshealth: 1359power: 281speed: 30562.10
25Ban-Fu, Cub of Ban-Luhealth: 1400power: 268speed: 31762.10
25Bloodfever Tarantulahealth: 1339power: 260speed: 33762.10
25Antoran Bile Larvahealth: 1627power: 289speed: 24062.10
25Albatross Hatchlinghealth: 1522power: 252speed: 29262.10
25Great Sea Albatrosshealth: 1445power: 269speed: 29162.10
25Mining Monkeyhealth: 1441power: 281speed: 28962.10
25Bronze Proto-Whelphealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Spawn of Nalaadahealth: 1571power: 258speed: 28762.10
25Abyssal Slitherlinghealth: 1319power: 353speed: 24862.10
25Violet Abyssal Eelhealth: 1969power: 236speed: 23662.10
25Abyssal Eelhealth: 1420power: 301speed: 26462.10
25Flickering Argunitehealth: 1627power: 260speed: 27362.10
25Micronaxhealth: 1627power: 322speed: 21162.10
25Inland Croakerhealth: 1441power: 333speed: 24462.10
25Copper Hopperhealth: 1376power: 255speed: 33562.10
25Motorized Croakerhealth: 1530power: 262speed: 29162.10
25Freshwater Crawlerhealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Hermit Crabhealth: 1278power: 272speed: 33762.10
25Shack Crabhealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Young Sand Sifterhealth: 1485power: 281speed: 28062.10
25Discarded Experimenthealth: 1587power: 281speed: 25762.10
25Globe Yetihealth: 1506power: 297speed: 25762.10
25Baa'lhealth: 1522power: 284speed: 26062.10
25Glutted Bleederhealth: 1319power: 349speed: 25262.10
25Bloated Bloodfeasterhealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Bloodfeaster Larvahealth: 1156power: 314speed: 31462.10
25Albino Duskwatcherhealth: 1404power: 310speed: 26562.10
25Boghopperhealth: 1339power: 248speed: 34962.10
25Crimson Froghealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Spectral Ravenhealth: 1546power: 249speed: 29762.10
25Cou'pahealth: 1607power: 301speed: 23662.10
25Saurolisk Hatchlinghealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Jenafurhealth: 1372power: 311speed: 27362.10
25Detective Rayhealth: 1404power: 281speed: 29362.10
25Darthealth: 1481power: 292speed: 26062.10
25Honey Beehealth: 1485power: 272speed: 28962.10
25Mailementalhealth: 1404power: 285speed: 28962.10
25Silithid Mini-Tankhealth: 1506power: 289speed: 26862.10
25Azeritihealth: 1887power: 244speed: 24462.10
25Azerite Puddlehealth: 1424power: 305speed: 26562.10
25Filthy Slimehealth: 1725power: 260speed: 26062.10
25Vengeful Chickenhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Necrofin Tadpolehealth: 1359power: 272speed: 30562.10
25Taptafhealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Blue Flitterhealth: 1319power: 268speed: 33362.10
25Shore Butterflyhealth: 1424power: 273speed: 29762.10
25Leafy Flutterwinghealth: 1546power: 236speed: 31462.10
25Wicker Puphealth: 1587power: 236speed: 30562.10
25Barrier Hermithealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Brutushealth: 1668power: 273speed: 24962.10
25Ragepeephealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Fozlinghealth: 1766power: 268speed: 24462.10
25Bloodstone Tunnelerhealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Barnabyhealth: 1485power: 277speed: 28162.10
25Nameless Octopodehealth: 1492power: 278speed: 27962.10
25Crimson Octopodehealth: 1502power: 252speed: 31362.10
25Voru'kar Leecherhealth: 1380power: 248speed: 34162.10
25Tragg the Curioushealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Valley Chickenhealth: 1384power: 297speed: 28162.10
25Golden Chirperhealth: 1197power: 297speed: 32962.10
25Junkheap Roachhealth: 1697power: 260speed: 26662.10
25Experimental Roachhealth: 1887power: 260speed: 22762.10
25Thunder Lizard Runthealth: 1542power: 272speed: 26862.10
25Everburning Treanthealth: 1827power: 252speed: 24862.10
25Lord Woofingtonhealth: 1562power: 325speed: 22762.10
25Thunderscale Whelplinghealth: 1485power: 288speed: 27362.10
25Rebuilt Gorilla Bothealth: 1522power: 277speed: 27762.10
25Rebuilt Mechanical Spiderhealth: 1339power: 248speed: 34962.10
25Arachnoid Skitterbothealth: 1258power: 272speed: 34162.10
25Feathershealth: 1766power: 252speed: 26062.10
25Deeptide Fingerlinghealth: 1302power: 299speed: 29962.10
25Prismatic Softshellhealth: 1587power: 277speed: 26162.10
25Spireshell Snailhealth: 1644power: 273speed: 25362.10
25Blackchasm Crawlerhealth: 1692power: 289speed: 23162.10
25Amethyst Softshellhealth: 1526power: 282speed: 26262.10
25Daggertooth Frenzyhealth: 1327power: 335speed: 26562.10
25Bloodseekerhealth: 1254power: 340speed: 27562.10
25Budding Alganhealth: 1615power: 289speed: 24662.10
25Chitterspine Skitterlinghealth: 1278power: 275speed: 33562.10
25Chitterspine Deepstalkerhealth: 1302power: 318speed: 27962.10
25Hissing Chitterspinehealth: 1254power: 348speed: 26662.10
25Muck Slughealth: 1497power: 276speed: 27362.10
25Damplight Slughealth: 1489power: 291speed: 26662.10
25Trench Slughealth: 1514power: 276speed: 27062.10
25Wrigglerhealth: 1522power: 258speed: 29662.10
25Slimy Sea Slughealth: 1441power: 297speed: 26462.10
25Slimy Darkhunterhealth: 1664power: 261speed: 26562.10
25Slimy Octopodehealth: 1258power: 298speed: 31562.10
25Slimy Fangtoothhealth: 1664power: 272speed: 26062.10
25Slimy Eelhealth: 1258power: 298speed: 31562.10
25Slimy Otterhealth: 1404power: 272speed: 30562.10
25Echoing Oozelinghealth: 1404power: 318speed: 25762.10
25Shadowbarb Hatchlinghealth: 1493power: 271speed: 29662.10
25Adventurous Hoplinghealth: 1607power: 297speed: 24062.10
25Glimmershell Scuttlerhealth: 1692power: 289speed: 23162.10
25Drowned Hatchlinghealth: 1197power: 289speed: 33062.10
25K'uddlyhealth: 1217power: 326speed: 28962.10
25Eye of Corruptionhealth: 1278power: 319speed: 28462.10
25Aqir Tunnelerhealth: 1404power: 342speed: 23662.10
25Anima Wyrmlinghealth: 1424power: 301speed: 27362.10
25Daisyhealth: 1660power: 283speed: 24062.10
25Dodgerhealth: 1298power: 268speed: 33762.10
25Void-Scarred Anubisathhealth: 1705power: 282speed: 24262.10
25C'Thufferhealth: 1680power: 269speed: 26062.10
25Oasis Void-Dusterhealth: 1298power: 326speed: 27362.10
25Voidglowerhealth: 1197power: 310speed: 31062.10
25Voidskimmerhealth: 1197power: 345speed: 28062.10
25Wicked Lurkerhealth: 1400power: 326speed: 25362.10
25Anomalushealth: 1034power: 362speed: 29762.10
25Void-Scarred Beetlehealth: 1481power: 292speed: 26062.10
25Amber Glitterwinghealth: 1347power: 254speed: 34162.10
25Leafadorehealth: 1668power: 289speed: 23662.10
25Bloodlouse Larvahealth: 1485power: 301speed: 26062.10
25The Counthealth: 1319power: 325speed: 27662.10
25Gizmohealth: 1339power: 289speed: 30162.10
25Bubbling Pustulehealth: 1481power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Putrid Geisthealth: 1270power: 298speed: 30662.10
25Bloodfeaster Spiderlinghealth: 1400power: 282speed: 28762.10
25Decaying Mawrathealth: 1493power: 276speed: 28462.10
25Ashen Chomperhealth: 1347power: 305speed: 28462.10
25Raw Emotionhealth: 1465power: 300speed: 26262.10
25Court Messengerhealth: 1404power: 281speed: 29362.10
25Dalhealth: 1339power: 252speed: 34562.10
25Burdened Soulhealth: 1359power: 353speed: 24062.10
25Scavenging Skrathealth: 1319power: 282speed: 31062.10
25Wild Corpseflyhealth: 1343power: 273speed: 31462.10
25Archetype of Metamorphosishealth: 1473power: 270speed: 28462.10
25E'rneehealth: 1473power: 270speed: 28462.10
25Animite Broodlinghealth: 1453power: 254speed: 31462.10
25Anxious Nibblerhealth: 1339power: 289speed: 30162.10
25Infused Etherwyrmhealth: 1319power: 336speed: 26662.10
25Devourlinghealth: 1522power: 276speed: 26862.10
25Scurrying Mawrathealth: 1493power: 276speed: 28462.10
25Irongrasphealth: 1461power: 329speed: 24462.10
25Eye of Afflictionhealth: 1607power: 272speed: 26562.10
25Young Garnetgullethealth: 1485power: 273speed: 28562.10
25Domestic Aunianhealth: 1485power: 273speed: 28562.10
25Eye of Allseeinghealth: 1441power: 305speed: 26562.10
25Archetype of Satisfactionhealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Violent Poultridhealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Venomous Bufonidhealth: 1562power: 309speed: 24462.10
25Tarachnid Stalkerhealth: 1237power: 276speed: 34162.10
25Archetype of Renewalhealth: 1441power: 292speed: 26862.10
25Vombata Puphealth: 1372power: 262speed: 32962.10
25Archetype of Malicehealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Proto Avian Fledglinghealth: 1437power: 275speed: 29362.10
25Archetype of Animationhealth: 1725power: 276speed: 22762.10
25Mawtouched Geomentalhealth: 1644power: 289speed: 24062.10
25Archetype of Focushealth: 1627power: 260speed: 27362.10
25Archetype of Vigilancehealth: 1725power: 292speed: 21162.10
25Predatory Helicidhealth: 1725power: 292speed: 21162.10
25Shellyhealth: 1725power: 292speed: 21162.10
25Microlicidhealth: 1725power: 292speed: 21162.10
25Mister Tootshealth: 1725power: 260speed: 26062.10
25Primal Stormlinghealth: 1319power: 289speed: 30562.10
25Lubbinshealth: 1607power: 269speed: 26562.10
25Crimson Proto-Whelphealth: 1607power: 269speed: 26562.10
25Bashfulhealth: 1562power: 309speed: 22762.10
25Bruleehealth: 1644power: 292speed: 22762.10
25Roggyhealth: 1522power: 317speed: 22762.10
25Baa'lialhealth: 1627power: 305speed: 22762.10
25Nether Faerie Dragonhealth: 1285power: 267speed: 26757.32
25Shyflyhealth: 1675power: 225speed: 24057.32
25Deepridgerhealth: 1406power: 220speed: 22052.55
23Coral Snakehealth: 1356power: 251speed: 26651.96
21Spirit Crabhealth: 1601power: 246speed: 16442.45
19Scarab Hatchlinghealth: 1026power: 259speed: 19834.29
17Topaz Shale Hatchlinghealth: 967power: 184speed: 16324.66
13Bonkershealth: 776power: 169speed: 13514.78
13Ashenwinghealth: 894power: 138speed: 13814.78
11Sea Gullhealth: 743power: 114speed: 1229.98
9Horny Toadhealth: 608power: 85speed: 915.66
8Stone Armadillohealth: 615power: 78speed: 874.59
7Snowshoe Harehealth: 505power: 67speed: 863.13
7Skunkhealth: 487power: 77speed: 773.13
7Wolpertingerhealth: 505power: 81speed: 733.13
7Widow Spiderlinghealth: 437power: 81speed: 863.13
7Red-Tailed Chipmunkhealth: 482power: 76speed: 813.13
6Rathealth: 431power: 62speed: 701.96
6Rat Snakehealth: 392power: 69speed: 731.96
6Little Black Ramhealth: 428power: 69speed: 661.96
6Venomspitter Hatchlinghealth: 408power: 66speed: 731.96
6Zandalari Toenibblerhealth: 389power: 73speed: 691.96
5Cockatielhealth: 376power: 52speed: 581.23
5Larvahealth: 409power: 55speed: 491.23
5White Mothhealth: 409power: 49speed: 581.23
5Black Lambhealth: 389power: 55speed: 551.23
4Fawnhealth: 318power: 41speed: 490.73
4Redridge Rathealth: 321power: 42speed: 470.73
4Mousehealth: 308power: 39speed: 550.73
4Egberthealth: 321power: 44speed: 440.73
4Muckbreathhealth: 321power: 47speed: 420.73
4Pint-Sized Pink Pachydermhealth: 344power: 49speed: 360.73
4Turquoise Turtlehealth: 357power: 39speed: 440.73
4Cheetah Cubhealth: 256power: 42speed: 620.73
4Tiny Goldfishhealth: 318power: 44speed: 460.73
3Undercity Rathealth: 266power: 31speed: 350.42
3Winter Reindeerhealth: 266power: 33speed: 330.42
3Weebominationhealth: 305power: 31speed: 290.42
3Firewinghealth: 266power: 33speed: 330.42
2Black Kingsnakehealth: 197power: 22speed: 260.13
2Water Snakehealth: 203power: 22speed: 240.13
2Great Horned Owlhealth: 230power: 21speed: 210.13
2Orange Tabby Cathealth: 197power: 25speed: 220.13
2Cathealth: 191power: 24speed: 240.13
2Senegalhealth: 210power: 21speed: 250.13
2Speedyhealth: 204power: 21speed: 260.13
2Stinkerhealth: 204power: 26speed: 210.13
2Toothyhealth: 204power: 24speed: 220.13
2Chuckhealth: 210power: 23speed: 210.13
2Giant Sewer Rathealth: 204power: 27speed: 190.13
2Little Fawnhealth: 216power: 19speed: 240.13
2Shore Crawlerhealth: 217power: 22speed: 210.13
2Lashtail Hatchlinghealth: 210power: 22speed: 220.13
2Nutshealth: 204power: 23speed: 230.13
2Sea Ponyhealth: 210power: 22speed: 220.13
2Porcupettehealth: 216power: 21speed: 230.13
2Ruby Saplinghealth: 223power: 22speed: 210.13
2Jade Crane Chickhealth: 210power: 23speed: 210.13
2Lost of Lordaeronhealth: 236power: 22speed: 180.13
2Tiny Green Carphealth: 203power: 22speed: 240.13
2Everbloom Peachickhealth: 204power: 21speed: 260.13
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