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US-Dragonblight Radiant Guard zandalari_troll priest 60
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Pet Score: 8634.32
West: n/a (priest: 26483)
realm: 997(priest: 85)

Battle Pets Army

25Worg Puphealth: 1725power: 260speed: 26062.10
25Squirrelhealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Rathealth: 1546power: 244speed: 30562.10
25Small Froghealth: 1562power: 260speed: 27662.10
25Tainted Cockroachhealth: 1806power: 227speed: 27662.10
25Azure Whelplinghealth: 1481power: 309speed: 26062.10
25Sprite Darter Hatchlinghealth: 1400power: 276speed: 30962.10
25Snakehealth: 1400power: 276speed: 29262.10
25Robo-Chickhealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Beetlehealth: 1562power: 260speed: 27662.10
25Tranquil Mechanical Yetihealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Darkmoon Tonkhealth: 1627power: 273speed: 26062.10
25Terkyhealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Scorpidhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Mountain Skunkhealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Stinkerhealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Cenarion Hatchlinghealth: 1562power: 260speed: 27662.10
25Darkmoon Zeppelinhealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Netherwhelphealth: 1400power: 273speed: 30562.10
25Fireflyhealth: 1319power: 260speed: 34162.10
25Sinister Squashlinghealth: 1465power: 305speed: 25762.10
25Wolpertingerhealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Darkmoon Turtlehealth: 1709power: 257speed: 25762.10
25Crystal Spiderhealth: 1384power: 276speed: 30562.10
25Ghostly Skullhealth: 1627power: 305speed: 22762.10
25Proto-Drake Whelphealth: 1627power: 289speed: 24462.10
25Little Fawnhealth: 1546power: 240speed: 30562.10
25Tiny Flameflyhealth: 1481power: 260speed: 29262.10
25Mojohealth: 1627power: 244speed: 28962.10
25Warbothealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Pandaren Monkhealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Core Hound Puphealth: 1627power: 322speed: 21162.10
25Lil' 1627power: 305speed: 22762.10
25Toxic Wastelinghealth: 1562power: 292speed: 24462.10
25Celestial Dragonhealth: 1644power: 292speed: 24462.10
25Lil' XThealth: 1546power: 322speed: 22762.10
25Fossilized Hatchlinghealth: 1481power: 305speed: 25762.10
25Rapana Whelkhealth: 1725power: 292speed: 21162.10
25Grove Viperhealth: 1400power: 276speed: 29262.10
25Clockwork Gnomehealth: 1546power: 257speed: 28962.10
25Alpine Harehealth: 1546power: 257speed: 29262.10
25Spiky Lizardhealth: 1400power: 276speed: 29262.10
25Tainted Mothhealth: 1562power: 276speed: 26062.10
25Singing Sunflowerhealth: 1709power: 257speed: 25762.10
25Lil' Ragnaroshealth: 1400power: 374speed: 21162.10
25Legshealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Blazing Firehawkhealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Lil' Tarecgosahealth: 1627power: 273speed: 26062.10
25Creepy Cratehealth: 1725power: 260speed: 26062.10
25Brilliant Kalirihealth: 1319power: 322speed: 27362.10
25Gregarious Grellhealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Fetish Shamanhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Masked Tanukihealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Qiraji Guardlinghealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Sporeling Sprouthealth: 1725power: 260speed: 26062.10
25Clefthoof Runthealth: 1644power: 292speed: 22762.10
25Marsh Fiddlerhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Golden Civethealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Hoplinghealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Terrible Turniphealth: 1481power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Mechanical Pandaren Dragonlinghealth: 1400power: 276speed: 30962.10
25Banelinghealth: 1384power: 322speed: 25762.10
25Spirebound Crabhealth: 1481power: 325speed: 24462.10
25Desert Spiderhealth: 1237power: 305speed: 30562.10
25Fel Flamehealth: 1627power: 260speed: 27362.10
25Kirin Tor Familiarhealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Pandaren Water Spirithealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Withershealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Lost of Lordaeronhealth: 1562power: 292speed: 24462.10
25Enchanted Broomhealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Clouded Hedgehoghealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Malayan Quillrat Puphealth: 1546power: 257speed: 28962.10
25Sea Gullhealth: 1562power: 260speed: 27662.10
25Darkmoon Eyehealth: 1481power: 305speed: 25762.10
25Red Crickethealth: 1197power: 370speed: 24962.10
25Cinder Kittenhealth: 1400power: 284speed: 28462.10
25Clock'emhealth: 1546power: 257speed: 28962.10
25Fungal Abominationhealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Harbinger of Flamehealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Death Talon Whelpguardhealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Stitched Puphealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Anubisath Idolhealth: 1725power: 276speed: 24462.10
25Corefire Imphealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Viscidus Globulehealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Chrominiushealth: 1644power: 276speed: 26062.10
25Anodized Robo Cubhealth: 1887power: 260speed: 22762.10
25Kun-Lai Runthealth: 1465power: 305speed: 25762.10
25Zandalari Kneebiterhealth: 1302power: 305speed: 28962.10
25Mud Jumperhealth: 1627power: 257speed: 27362.10
25Zandalari Anklerenderhealth: 1302power: 305speed: 28962.10
25Zandalari Footslasherhealth: 1237power: 305speed: 30562.10
25Direhorn Runthealth: 1587power: 289speed: 25262.10
25Gahz'rookihealth: 1400power: 297speed: 28162.10
25Living Fluidhealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Blossoming Ancienthealth: 1522power: 276speed: 26862.10
25Lil' Blinghealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Treasure Goblinhealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Hogshealth: 1546power: 314speed: 23662.10
25Dread Hatchlinghealth: 1420power: 288speed: 29262.10
25Iron Starlettehealth: 1546power: 305speed: 24462.10
25Crazy Carrothealth: 1481power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Molten Corgihealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Bloodthorn Hatchlinghealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Teroclaw Hatchlinghealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Netherspawn, Spawn of Netherspawnhealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Ikkyhealth: 1319power: 322speed: 27362.10
25Hydralinghealth: 1465power: 289speed: 27362.10
25Ore Eaterhealth: 1424power: 265speed: 30562.10
25Bone Serpenthealth: 1319power: 338speed: 25762.10
25Abyssiushealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Wretched Servanthealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Slithershock Elverhealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Crusherhealth: 1441power: 297speed: 27362.10
25Extinguished Eyehealth: 1546power: 273speed: 27362.10
25Emmigosahealth: 1400power: 273speed: 30562.10
25Shimmering Aquaflyhealth: 1546power: 257speed: 28962.10
25Bleakwater Jellyhealth: 1359power: 305speed: 28162.10
25Sewer-Pipe Jellyhealth: 1506power: 276speed: 28162.10
25Dust Bunnyhealth: 1400power: 227speed: 35762.10
25Sunborne Val'kyrhealth: 1465power: 273speed: 28962.10
25Bloodgazer Hatchlinghealth: 1400power: 289speed: 28962.10
25Sharptalon Hatchlinghealth: 1400power: 325speed: 26062.10
25Direbeak Hatchlinghealth: 1546power: 289speed: 26062.10
25Snowfeather Hatchlinghealth: 1400power: 260speed: 32562.10
25Untethered Wyrmlinghealth: 1441power: 317speed: 26062.10
25Transmutanthealth: 1546power: 305speed: 24062.10
25Stormborne Whelplinghealth: 1400power: 305speed: 27362.10
25Benaxhealth: 1627power: 289speed: 24462.10
25Felspiderhealth: 1319power: 292speed: 29262.10
25Boneshardhealth: 1481power: 276speed: 27662.10
25Feline Familiarhealth: 1221power: 322speed: 28962.10
25Discarded Experimenthealth: 1587power: 297speed: 24462.10
25Tottlehealth: 1546power: 260speed: 28962.10
25Zur'aj the Depletedhealth: 1506power: 244speed: 31462.10
25Elekk Plushiehealth: 2163power: 220speed: 15152.55
21Phoenix Hatchlinghealth: 1124power: 232speed: 27342.45
20Untamed Hatchlinghealth: 1257power: 231speed: 20838.30
19Prairie Doghealth: 1137power: 195speed: 23234.29
16Alpine Chipmunkhealth: 932power: 166speed: 20823.47
16Sidewinderhealth: 820power: 154speed: 20221.66
15Ancient Nest Guardianhealth: 1016power: 154speed: 16620.35
12Rabbithealth: 794power: 115speed: 14712.32
12Tirisfal Batlinghealth: 802power: 140speed: 11712.32
11Forest Mothhealth: 772power: 120speed: 1139.98
10Ridgeback Piglethealth: 711power: 109speed: 1038.01
9Elfin Rabbithealth: 554power: 75speed: 1125.66
7Toothyhealth: 464power: 86speed: 763.13
7Landro's Lichlinghealth: 528power: 86speed: 643.13
7Coral Snakehealth: 482power: 76speed: 813.13
7Gillvanashealth: 447power: 94speed: 733.13
7Topaz Shale Hatchlinghealth: 443power: 65speed: 652.65
6Roachhealth: 467power: 62speed: 661.96
5Rabid Nut Varmint 5000health: 441power: 49speed: 521.23
5Court Scribehealth: 344power: 61speed: 581.23
5Ancona Chickenhealth: 367power: 50speed: 501.14
5Mana Wyrmlinghealth: 352power: 53speed: 501.14
4Adderhealth: 308power: 44speed: 470.73
4Ashstone Corehealth: 331power: 42speed: 460.73
4Albino River Calfhealth: 331power: 46speed: 420.73
4Ashmaw Cubhealth: 373power: 42speed: 390.73
4Faceless Mindlasherhealth: 301power: 52speed: 430.73
4De-Weaponized Mechanical Companionhealth: 304power: 36speed: 480.67
4Cheetah Cubhealth: 244power: 38speed: 580.67
4Blue Mini Jousterhealth: 326power: 38speed: 400.67
3Personal World Destroyerhealth: 266power: 37speed: 310.42
3Coilfang Stalkerhealth: 259power: 36speed: 330.42
3Brightpawhealth: 264power: 33speed: 350.42
3Baby Elderhornhealth: 274power: 35speed: 310.42
3Shimmering Wyrmlinghealth: 266power: 33speed: 330.42
2Sister of Temptationhealth: 209power: 22speed: 230.13
2Clockwork Rocket Bothealth: 217power: 21speed: 220.13
2Blue Clockwork Rocket Bothealth: 204power: 21speed: 260.13
2Landro's Lil' XThealth: 209power: 26speed: 190.13
2Tiny Shale Spiderhealth: 204power: 23speed: 230.13
2Voodoo Figurinehealth: 204power: 23speed: 230.13
2Darkmoon Monkeyhealth: 209power: 23speed: 220.13
2Living Sandlinghealth: 229power: 21speed: 210.13
2Cinder Puphealth: 191power: 27speed: 220.13
2Detective Rayhealth: 204power: 22speed: 230.13
2Lil' Nefarianhealth: 219power: 24speed: 190.13
2Shadowbarb Hatchlinghealth: 211power: 22speed: 240.13
2Peanuthealth: 220power: 19speed: 190.12
2Creepy Crawlyhealth: 201power: 20speed: 210.12
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